The Little Fir Tree Explanation in Hindi

 The Little Fir Tree 

The story starts with the main character Shetty who was walking while it was raining, so he stopped and took the help of the little fir tree. After the rain stopped, the magician wanted to reward the little fir tree for his kindness. The magician asked for 4 wishes from the tree. The tree was very sad as there were no birds who used to make the nest because of the needle-like leaves of the fir tree. So, it wished for green leaves which were granted by the magician. But, soon after he got the green leaves, he got very worried as the goat used to come and eat the green leaves. So, the tree wished for golden leaves because the goat does not eat the golden tree. The following morning, the tree was full of joy as their wish was also granted.

However, a man would come and try to steal the golden leaves, which made him very disappointed. He further thought of having glass leaves which would not be taken by any goat or a man. To his surprise, the next morning, he found that this wish was also granted. He was so happy to have the glass leaves. But, the following day, the wind blew and shone off all the glass leaves. He was very sad, and he wished for the same old needle-like leaves as they would not be eaten by goats, or taken by any men or harmed by the wind. The next morning, he found the old-needle like leaves, and he exclaimed that he was never so happy. 2.3 The Moral This story teaches the student to accept themselves and not to desire for unnecessary things. It says that one should accept all the positives and negatives about them. 

Once a magician …………. said the magician. एक बार एक जादूगर घर लौट रहा था। अचानक तेज बारिश शुरू हो गई। उसने आश्रय के लिए चारों ओर देखा और एक छोटा सा देवदार का पेड़ देखा। वह वहां दौड़ा और शरण ली। जल्द ही बारिश बंद हो गई। जादूगर ने पेड़ से कहा, “धन्यवाद! तुमने मुझ पर दया की। मैं तुम्हें इनाम देना चाहता हूं। चार इच्छाएं मांगो, और मैं उन्हें दूंगा”, जादूगर ने कहा। The fir tree had …………… had gold leaves.” देवदार के पेड़ में सुई जैसी पत्तियाँ थीं और उसमें कभी किसी पक्षी ने घोंसघों ला नहीं बनाया था। तो इसने कहा, “काश मेरे पास मेरे अन्य दोस्तों की तरह हरे पत्ते होते।” अगली सुबह, उसकी इच्छा पूरी हुई। जल्द ही एक बकरी साथ आई और सभी हरी पत्तियों को खा गई। “ओह! प्रिय,” देवदार के पेड़ ने कहा, “काश मेरे पास सोने के पत्ते होते।” When the little fir …………… were back again

अगली सुबह जब नन्हा देवदार का पेड़ उठा तो सोने के पत्ते देखकर हैरान रह गया। एक आदमी साथ आया और उसने सोने के सारे पत्ते चुरा लिए। इस बार देवदार के पेड़ ने कहा, “काश मेरे पास काँच के पत्ते होते। पुरुष कांच के पत्ते नहीं चुराते।” रात में हवा चली और कांच के सारे पत्ते टूट गए। देवदार के पेड़ ने कहा, “मुझे अपने पुराने सुई जैसे पत्ते वापस चाहिए, ताकि बकरियां उन्हें न खाएं, आदमी उन्हें चुरा न सके और हवा उन्हें तोड़ न सके।” पेड़ सो गया। अगली सुबह जब वह उठा, तो उसकी सुई जैसी पत्तियाँ फिर से वापस आ गईं।

Comprehension Questions

 Q.1 Answer the’ following questions:

 a. Who granted four wishes to the fir tree and why? 

Ans: The magician granted the fir tree four wishes for shelter. 

b. Why did no bird make its nest in the fir tree? 

Ans: The fir tree had needle-like leaves, so no bird made a nest in it.

 c. What was the second wish of the fir tree? 

Ans: The second wish of the fir tree was for gold leaves. 

d. Why did the fir tree want to have glass leaves? 

What happened to the glass leaves? 

Ans: The fir tree thought that if I had glass leaves, people would not steal the glass leaves. 

e. Why did the fir tree wish to have its needle-like leaves back? 

Ans: At last the pine tree understood that if I had needle-like leaves, the goat would not eat them, man could not steal them and the wind could not break them. 

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