दानवीर कर्ण और भगवान श्री कृष्ण


बात उन दिनों की है जब महाराज युधिष्ठिर इंद्रप्रस्थ पर राज करते थे, राजा होने के नाते वे काफी दान आदि भी करते थे ! धीरे धीरे उनकी प्रसिद्धि दानवीर के रूप में फैलने लगी और पांडवो को इसका अभिमान होने लगा|

कहतें हैं कि भगवान दर्पहारी हैं| अपने भक्तों का अभिमान तो उन्हें बिल्कुल पसंद नहीं|

यह ठीक है कि श्री कृष्ण पांडवों के अभिन्न मित्र थे लेकिन फिर भी वह किसी के प्रति पक्षपात नहीं रखते थे ।अगर उन्हें पांडवों की कोई बात बुरी लगती थी या गलत मालूम देती थी तो वह पांडवों को उसके बारे में अवगत कराते थे ! श्री कृष्ण को आभास  हो गया था कि पांडवों को अपनी दानवीरता का अभिमान हो गया है|

एक बार कृष्ण इंद्रप्रस्थ पहुँचे!भीम व् अर्जुन ने युधिष्ठिर की प्रशंसा शुरू की कि वे कितने बड़े दानी हैं !

तब कृष्ण ने उन्हें बीच में ही टोक दिया और कहा, लेकिन हमने कर्ण जैसा दानवीर ना तो देखा और ना ही सुना !

अर्जुन से न रहा गया और उन्होंने श्रीकृष्ण से पूछ ही लिया कि आप धर्मराज युधिष्ठिर के रहते हुए कर्ण की प्रशंसा क्यों करते हैं ?

श्रीकृष्ण ने उत्तर दिया कि धीरज रखो ।कुछ समय बाद तुम्हें उत्तर मिल जाएगा ।

कुछ दिनों बाद पूर्व योजनानुसार एक दिन श्रीकृष्ण अर्जुन को लेकर साधू का भेष बदलकर धर्मराज युधिष्ठिर के द्वार पर पहुंचे । उन्होंने धर्मराज से कहा कि हमें यज्ञ – हवनादि करने के लिए एक मन चन्दन की सूखी लकड़ियाँ चाहिए । महाराज युधिष्ठिर ने साधुओं का स्वागत सत्कार किया और अतिथिगृह में प्रतीक्षा के लिए बिठा दिया ।

वर्षाकाल था अतः सभी जगह की लकड़ियाँ गीली हो चुकी थी । फिर भी महाराज युधिष्ठिर ने नगर में अपने सेवक भेजे तथा लकड़ियों की व्यवस्था करने की कोशिश की । सेवक सभी जगह भटक कर आ गए किन्तु एक मन चन्दन की लकड़ियाँ नहीं जुटा सके । और मिल भी कैसे सकती थी !


जितनी थोड़ी लकड़ियाँ वो जुटा सके थे, उन्हें लेकर महाराज युधिष्ठिर साधुओं के भेष में आये भगवान श्रीकृष्ण और अर्जुन के पास पहुंचे । धर्मराज बोले – “ महात्माओं ! आपके एक मन चन्दन की लकड़ियों की व्यवस्था करने में मैं असमर्थ हूँ, आप चाहे तो कुछ और मांग सकते है ।”


इस पर साधू के भेष में खड़े श्रीकृष्ण बोले – “ चन्दन नहीं मिल सकता तो कोई बात नहीं । हम कहीं और से व्यवस्था कर लेंगे । प्रणाम !” यह कहकर वो दोनों चल दिए ।

यहाँ से सीधा वह दोनों कर्ण के द्वार पर पहुंचे । वहां भी उन्होंने एक मन चन्दन की लकड़ियों की मांग की । कर्ण ने भी पहले तो अपने अनुचरों को यहां-वहां भेजकर चंदन की लकड़ी मंगवाने का प्रयत्न किया लेकिन फिर जब सब ने आकर के मना कर दिया कि सूखी लकड़ी मिल पाना संभव नहीं है तो कर्ण ने दोनों साधुओं से कहा– “आज तो चन्दन की लकड़ियाँ मिलना संभव नहीं है| अगर आप एक दो दिन ठहरे तो व्यवस्था हो सकती है ।

इस पर साधू के भेष में श्रीकृष्ण बोले – “नहीं ! हमें वर्षाकाल में ही यज्ञ करना है, अतः आज ही चाहिए| दे सको तो ठीक अन्यथा हम कहीं और से व्यवस्था कर लेंगे ।”

 कर्ण ने कुछ देर विचार किया और उसके बाद धनुष के ऊपर बाण चढ़ाकर के राज महल के दरवाजे, पलंग और जो भी चंदन की बनी हुयी चीजें थी, उन्हें काट कर के बहुत सारी लकड़ी का ढेर लगा दिया और फिर ब्राह्मण रूप धारी कृष्ण से कहा कि महाराज आपको जितनी लकड़ी चाहिए आप उतनी लकड़ी ले जाइए ।

इस पर श्री कृष्ण ने कहा कि हमें तो सिर्फ एक मन चंदन की लकड़ी चाहिये थी पर आपने तो कीमती दरवाजे ही नष्ट कर डाले । कर्ण ने कहा - महाराज बाहर मूसलाधार बारिश हो रही है ऐसे में सूखी लकड़ी मिलना असंभव है । फिर-फिर आपको तो लकड़ी तत्काल चाहिए थी ना । मैं अतिथि को खाली हाथ नहीं लौटाना चाहता था ।

यह सुनकर भगवान ने कर्ण को यशस्वी होने का आशीर्वाद दिया और वहाँ से चले आये ।

फिर एकांत पाकर उन्होंने अर्जुन से कहा - अब तो तुम्हें समझ में आ गया होगा कि कर्ण वास्तव में ही दानवीर हैं और प्रशंसा के पात्र हैं।

धर्मराज युधिष्ठिर भी तो यह कर सकते थे लेकिन यह विचार भी उनके मन में नहीं आया।

भगवान ने कहा !साधारण अवस्था में दान देना कोई विशेषता नही है !असाधारण परिस्थिति में किसी के लिए अपने सर्वस्व को त्याग देने का ही नाम दान है !
अन्यथा चन्दन की लकड़ी के खिड़की -द्वार तो युधिष्ठिर के महल में भी थे !

भगवान ने फिर कहा त्याग और परोपकार की भावना व्यक्ति के किसी बड़े काम से नहीं बल्कि छोटे छोटे प्रसंगों में ही झलकनी चाहिए । यह सुनकर अर्जुन के मन का क्षोभ समाप्त हो गया । और पांडवो का वृथा अभिमान भी मिट गया|

भगवान ने गीता में भी कहा है- न मे द्वेष्योस्ति न प्रिय: अर्थात न मेरा कोई प्रिय है न अप्रिय |भगवान् तो सिर्फ न्याय करते हैं, और उनका प्रेम तो उचित पात्र को ही सद्कर्मो के आधार पर मिलता है|



Letter to the Editor Class 12

Poem “Geography Lesson” by Zulfikar Ghose

 What is the poem “Geography Lesson” all about?

The poem “Geography Lesson” by Zulfikar Ghose is all about the way earth looks from different altitudes. Here the poet has used the image of a jet airplane to portray this representation of earth in a very clear way.

What geographic lessons did the poet in the jet learn when the jet just take off?

The poem puts forward some general assumptions about the geographic lessons through the taking off of a jet. The moment the jet just took off from the ground it has been understood that the city which the human has developed, has not been well-planned and it grew as per necessity.

What was once most necessary for the emergence of a city in the past?

In the poem, it has been shown that the easy availability of water for drinking to irrigation was the prime reason why civilization flocked around the rivers in the past. Actually, water had been worked as the lifeline as well as the most necessary thing for the emergence of a city in the past.

What was difficult to understand about the earth when the jet had been six miles high?

The moment the jet was six miles high it was difficult to understand by the poet Zulfikar Ghose about the earth was that the human tendency to build borders, to erect walls, to create fences.

What was the poet’s endeavor to bring out about human beings, the earth and learning?

In the poem “Geographic Lessons” the poet’s endeavor to bring out about human beings, the earth and learning were that the human tendency to build borders, to erect walls, to create fences had reflected that the people on earth are selfish and narrow for they hate each other. He found the earth to be one but not the people living on this earth are divided for shallow reasons.

What was the logic of geography given by the poet in the poem?

Reaching the height of ten thousand feet the poet could apprehend the fact that cities had grown water resources. Water fulfilled the necessities like agriculture, transport, business, and others. He found that valleys were populated which had met the necessities of the people. Thus the poet gave logic behind the entire geography of this earth.

How was the human narrow-mindedness encountered by the poet in the poem?

The moment the jet went above six miles, the poet could understand that our earth is having more water than land. Then he reflected that people on earth are selfish and narrow for they hate each other. He found the earth to be one but not the people living on this earth, because they are divided for shallow reasons from each other.

What are the several things reflected through the poem “Geographic Lessons”?

In the poem “Geographic Lessons” the poet Zulfikar Ghose reflected several things like a picture of a city, logic of geography and also a jab of human narrow-mindedness. Through the poem, the poet presented a vivid description of an unplanned city. The city had grown as per its necessity and did not at all grow as per proper planning. It did not have any particular style. It even looked six inches from a certain height revealing its true structure. In fact, when the poet went above ten thousand feet, he could comprehend the fact that the cities grew water resources. Water fulfilled the necessities like agriculture, transport, business, and others. The poet himself found that valleys were populated which met the necessities of the people. And when the jet went above six miles, the poet could understand that our earth is having more water than land. Then he reflected that people on earth are selfish and narrow for they hate each other. He found the earth to be one but not the people living on this earth are divided for shallow reasons.

Briefly, state the lessons of geography delivered through the poem “Geography Lessons”?

The poem “Geography Lessons” by Zulfikar Ghose is divided into three parts – three heights a jet airplane traveled to study about the earth. On reaching each stage, soaring higher and higher, the experts in the plane learned new facts about the earth’s past but only one question remained unanswered. Now we can take into consideration the three stages from where the plane made observations and find the answer to the question that the travelers asked.

At the very first stage meaning at the moment the jet just took off, the passengers in the jet learned about one thing for certain – that is the development the humans have made out of inevitability. In fact, the cities of the past were never planned as they are these days. Cities have emerged at certain places where people lived together around a river for food and safety, which is the main cause of the cities’ haphazard look.

In the second stage, when the jet was above ten thousand feet could notice that the earth’s cities were found located on the banks of the river and a little above the river level, on valleys. Also, the easy availability of water is observable. The availability of water helped from drinking to irrigation. This was the prime reason why civilizations flocked around rivers.

But at the last stage when the jet was above six miles could found some lessons of geography along with inherent human selfishness. When the jet was six miles above, it was difficult to learn why people hate each other, why they build walls across cities and why they kill other people. Here only the poet is trying to bring out the fact that human beings have achieved a lot of knowledge about the earth and beyond. We have learned much about the earth, its shape, the emergence of cities and nations, but we have failed to learn how to love other and live peacefully on this wonderful planet.

Mobile phones: advantages and disadvantages

 Mobile phones: advantages and disadvantages

Most of us nowadays carry the world in our pocket! It is amazing but true. A mobile phone can make us connected to the rest of the world within a second. Today, mothers do not have to remain in tension if their sons or daughters are late. Businessmen do not have to queue up before a telephone booth to make an important call. Apart from making calls and sending SMS, the mobile phone is used as a multipurpose gadget. It is a calculator, time piece, calendar, voice recorder, media player, camera, gaming device, net browser and what not. Though mobile phone is a giant step of technological advancement, its abuses cannot at all be overlooked. Talking or texting while driving may lead to accidents. Students misuse this tool in various ways and give way to social pollution. The invention of mobiles phones is a great achievement and plays an important part in our daily life. Its many aspects are beneficial but some are negative effects as well.

 Its development brought convenience and advantages to the world. Communication between people has become quite easy and very fast. We can keep in contact with others from any place on bus, in a street or in a meeting by sending message for less than the price of a call. Internet can be accessed through it and it is also used to click photos and shoot videos.

At the same time, parents can control their children and it is essential during emergencies. Business deals can be done on a single call through cell phone outside the office, in a park or in any shopping centre. This invention gets the world closer to a single point. Internet is also available on the cell phone.

The radiations of mobile may be dangerous to health and may cause headache, earache and blurring vision. These invisible radiations destroy the cells located in ear and head which cause damage to the brain and nephrons in the head region. Its use at certain places causes disturbance sometimes, such as in a classroom etc. Mobile phones with camera are causing —privacy problems such as using it as a hidden camera to take pictures and making videos.

Notice Writing Questions




  1. Your school is holding a cultural Fiesta for collecting funds for the Kargil Jawans’ Welfare Fund. Draft a notice for your school Notice Board giving details of the programme and donations to be made. Sign yourself as Manoj Sehgal, Cultural Secretary, Rose Public School, Mumbai.


  1. You are Anita Desai/ Anup Sharma, the Sports secretary of St. Paul public school, Ahmadabad. Your school has decided to host the regional Level Basket Ball Tournament. Draft a notice for your school Notice Board inviting all the school children to attend the Tournament and cheer the participants.



  1. You are the President of the Students’ council of St. Francis Sr. Secondary school, Bangalore. You have invited a visiting Russian Ballet Troupe to give a performance in your school on the occasion of its Golden Jubilee celebrations. Write a notice in about 50 words, informing the students about this event. sign yourself as Rohit/Rakhi.


  1. You are the Sports Secretary of your school. write a notice in not more than 50 words for the school Notice Board, asking the students interested in Cricket to give their names for selection for your school Cricket team.( Eligibility---students above 14 years)



  1. Suppose yourself to be Amit/Amrita, Head Boy/Head Girl of your school ( Zenith Public School).Write a notice for your school Notice Board calling for the entries from desirous students for Britannia Quiz Contest-Preliminary round to be held at your school.


  1. The Students’ Council of your school has organized an Excursion to Goa/ Ajanta and Ellora for the students of classes XI and XII during Winter Break. As President of the council, write a notice in not more than 50 words telling the students about this excursion and inviting their names for joining it.



  1. You are Avdesh/ Avantika Secretary, Science Forum, Modern School Allahabad. Write a notice for the school notice board inviting the students to attend a lecture to be delivered by an eminent scientist. Invent all other details.


  1. You have planned a six week course to help the children of your Housing Society complex in developing their communication skills. Prepare a notice for the Society’s Notice Board stating the objectives of the course and give all necessary details asking the people to join the course. Do not forget to mention the eligibility, timing, venue and the fees. You are Yashwant Rai, an effective communicator and a member of the society.



  1. Write a notice for the school Notice Board inviting volunteers for one day Blood Donation Camp to be organized in your school. You are B. Lal, Head Boy, Apex Public School, Bhopal.


  1. You are the Secretary of your School Literary association. Write a notice in not more than 50 words, giving details of the inauguration of the Literary Association Activities in your school. You will sign yourself as Rajat/ Vidisha of Queen Victoria Senior Secondary School, Nagpur.


  1. You are Vipin Dogra /Vibhuti Sharma, The Student Editor of the magazine of  Gandhi Memorial Senior secondary school. Draft a suitable notice for your school Notice Board inviting articles, poems, etc. for the forthcoming edition of the magazine.

Class 8 sample paper English

 1 – Read the passage given below carefully and answers the questions that follow:

One day, the old emperor shah jahan became ill. His son, Aurangzeb, who always wanted to be the emperor, put his father in a jail. Jahanara begun, the eldest child of shah jahan, did not leave her father and want to jail along with him. Her dais, “I shall share the sufferings of my father. He needs me in his old age, and I shall never leave him.” Shah jahan lived in the jail for seven years and then he died. During that period,princess jahanara stayed with him and took care of him. After the death of her father. She returned back to her own palace. She continuedto live there and spent the rest of her life serving the needy and the poor. Before her death, she gave away all her money to the poor and needy.


(a)    Who was shah jahan’s eldest child?

(b)   What did Aurangzeb do when shah jahan became ill?

(c)    What did jahanara do before her death?

(d)   Find words in the passage which mean the same as:

(a)    King

(b)   Sick

Question 2. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow by choosing the right alternative.

Sarojini Naidu was educated in her carely years under her father’s own care. He wanted her to become a great mathematician or scientist but she loved to dream and writers poems. She was hardly eleven when she wrote her first poem.

At thirteen she wrote a long poem in the manner of famous English poets. After her matriculation in India she went to England for higher education in lender. She met sir Edmund cross a distinguished man of letters. He was impressed by her knowledge and intelligent. He was surprised to see that she had written poems in flawless English but felt disappointed to find that they had nothing of the east in them. They were all about English sights from this day onwards; she devoted herself to writing verses about India.


Sarojini Naidu loved to__________

(a)    Become a great mathematician orscientist.

(b)   Be an English poet.

(c)    Be an English teacher.

(d)   Dream and write poems.

She wrote her first poem at the age of______

(a)    Ten

(b)   Eleven

(c)    Twelve

(d)   Nine

She wrote a long poem like English poets  at the age of_____

(a)    Ten

(b)   Thirteen

(c)    Twelve

(d)   Eleven

Sir Edmund goose is known as a ______

(a)    Intelligent and knowledgeable person

(b)   Renowned English poet

(c)    Distinguished man of letters

(d)   Mentor of Sarojini Naidu

The word ________ means ‘distressed’.

(a)    Flawless

(b)   Disappointed

(c)    Higher

(d)   Hardy


Question 3. Write a paragraph on any one of the following topics:

(a)    Work is worship

(b)   Child labor

(c)    A visit to hill station

Question 4. Write an application to the principal or your school requesting him/her to arrange extra classes for math and science.


Write a letter to SHO of your area complaining about the theft of your bicycle from the school compound.

Question. 5. You are Neha/Nikhil of Ramjas public school. Write a notice to be put on the school notice board regarding annual day to be held in your school.


Complete the story below on the basis of the hints given below.

Two friends-goes on a journey-promise to help each other-pass through forest-one sees a bear-becomes afraid-climbs a tree-other lies down and saves his life.


QUESTION . 6. Fill in the blanks with correct form of verb:

(i)                  Did you____ this colour? (choose)

(ii)                I _____ to Shimla tomorrow? (go)

Question .7. Arrange the jumbled words to make proper sentences:

(a)    Came/the/class/to/teacher/the/

(b)   Spread/people/for/hatred/each other/selfish

Question 8 .change the following into indirect from of narration:

(i)                  He said to me, “ why are you late”

(ii)                Ram said to sham, “ two and two make four”

(iii)               They say, “ we are students”

Question 9. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.

(a)    He called _____ me.(at,on,in)

(b)   I had this suit made ____ order.(to, on, by)

(c)    The teacher took him _____ trek.(to,at,on)

(d)   He has been well looked ___ (at,after,on)

Question 10. Read the following sentences and rewrite them into passive voice.

(a)    I wrote a letter.

(b)   He was doing his work.

(c)    He helps me a lot.

Notice Writing

A. Your school is planning to hold a ‘Tree Planting’ day where the Municipal Commissioner of your area will be the Chief Guest. As part of the ‘Environment Club’ you have been asked to put up a notice informing students about the event. Write the notice in about 50 words.

B. Imagine you are a student of St. Theresa School Pune. Your school is planning a ‘Charity Show’ for the benefit of the students of Blind School located in your area. Famous Cine actors will perform at the function. As the Cultural Secretary of your school write a notice asking students to volunteer for Prefect duties on the day of the show. The notice should be in not more than 50 words.

C. Your school is planning to organize a ‘School Sprucing Up’ day where all students would be taking up jobs related to cleaning up the school premises. This is being organized to create a feeling of belongingness as well as appreciating dignity of labour. Write a notice informing students about this activity. You are Rashmi/Rohit the Secretary of the Social Work committee in your school. Write the notice in about 50 words.

D. An NGO by the name SEWA plans to hold classes for children living in hutments outside the city. They need student volunteers for this project. Your Principal has asked you to put up a notice inviting students to join the initiative. Write the notice in not more than 50 words.

E. Your school is organizing a trek to the famous Valley of Flowers in the Himalayas. As the Secretary of the Outstation trip committee you have been asked to put up a notice informing students of classes 7-9 about the trek details in not more than 40 words.

“No Men arc Foreign” by James Kirkup


 The poem “No Men arc Foreign” by James Kirkup is a strong plea for peaceful co-existence and universal brotherhood. God has made us all equal and the colour of our blood is the same. Human emotions are the same. too. Thus people all over the world are brothers and sisters and the manmade Ku-Tiers e4 class or creed arc unnatural and undesirable.


 The theme of the poem “No Men are Foreign” is the oneness of mankind underneath the superficial differences of colour, race, nationality and faith. It presupposes that all human beings are brothers and sisters. Those who spread hatred and wage wars are criminals and deserve to be condemned. The poem also deals with the supremacy of love, accord, friendship and amity among all the people in this world.


  “No Men are Foreign” is an apt title for the poem, because it deals with the theme of universal brotherhood. Human beings all over the world have identical behaviour and the differences based on the manmade concepts of caste, creed, barriers etc. are unnatural. Every human being responds positively to love. Hence no human being is a foreigner or an outsider.



 This is a peace poem and gives a strong message to stop all wars and look upon humanity as a unified entity. The poet warns the rulers of all the countries that when they wage wars they not only injure the interests of those whom they hate but also injure themselves. They should know that peace brings prosperity and wars bring destruction. Hence, those who spread hatred and cause wars against their brothers and sisters in different parts of the world actually harm the cause of peaceful mutual co-existence.



Alliteration is the close repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of successive words (initial alliteration) and within words (internal alliteration).


a single body breathes

 (‘ b’ sound is repeated at the beginning of each word)

 Or sleep, and strength

(‘ s’ sound is repeated)


 A figure of speech in which a word or phrase (which is not linked directly) is used to describe an object or action through comparison.


Beneath all uniforms, a single body breathes

 ‘Uniforms’ here basically stand for militaries that different countries in the world have. These uniforms may be different in colour, design, shape and culture, but people donning them are the same anywhere in the world.

war’s long winter starv’ d

Here the starvation experienced during unproductive and harsh winters describes the want and hunger faced during war-time. Both these conditions lead to ultimate destruction.


Poets often repeat single words or phrases, lines, and sometimes, even whole stanzas at intervals to create a musical effect; to emphasize a point; to draw the readers’ attention or to lend unity to a piece. In “No Men are Foreign” James Kirkup repeats the word ‘Remember’ five times in the poem to emphasize the serious message the poem has to convey. Similarly, the last line of the last stanza (“Remember, no men are foreign, and no countries strange”) though reversed, is the same as the first line of the first stanza (“Remember, no men are strange, no countries foreign”). This repetition emphasizes the core message of the oneness of mankind.


The poem doesn’t have any specific rhyme scheme. It is written in free verse.

Important Word-Meanings of difficult words from the lesson- NO MEN ARE FOREIGN


Word-Meanings : Foreign = of other country/the other country, दूसरे देश का या दूसरा देश ; beneath =under, नीचे ; uniform = (here) skin, चमड़ी I Aware = conscious, जागरूक ; fed = given food to eat, भोजन करना ; harvest = reaping corn,फसल एकत्र करना ; starved = die with hunger, भूख से मरना l Strength = power:बल या शक्ति ; land =country, देश ; recognise = know,पहचानना l  Dispossess – to put out of possession, अधिकार मुक्त कर देना ; betray = cheat,धोखा देना ;  condemn = criticise, निंदा करना  I Defile = make dirty/pollute, प्रदूषित करते है ं; outrage = excessive violence, अत्यधिक अत्याचार; innocence = hannlessness, पवित्रता I

Short and Simple Summary of the lesson in English– NO MEN ARE FOREIGN / Summary in simple Words/ Critical appreciation of the lesson – NO MEN ARE FOREIGN


‘No Men Are Foreign’ is a beautiful poem giving a message of unity and hannons among all people and nations of the world. The poet says that (in this world) no men are strange and no countries are foreign. We are all human beings. We have a common soul. It is true that our skin may be of the different colour but our soul is the same. We may belong to a different country and speak a different language but we all enjoy the beauty of nature.

We should remember that our eyes that wake, sleep and love are alike all over the world. It is a fact that wherever we may be but we can defeat strength with love. We should keep in mind that if we hate others it means that we hate to ourselves. In the end the poet says that people are polluting this earth by their deeds. We should protect our atmosphere and keep in mind that this universe is the creation of God and we all are one.

 Summary (2) :

‘No Men are Foreign’ is a thought provoking poem by James Kirkup. It tells us that there is no difference between different people and the countries they live in. Therefore wars and the bloodshed that takes place in the name of caste, class, creed and country are futile and must be condemned. The uniforms worn by people in different parts of the world may be different, but the bodies beneath them are the same. The earth that one walks upon is the same for all people from different countries. All will one day or the other die and return to earth only. People in every part of the world get the sunshine, air and water in equal measures. They too prosper during peace but have to suffer poverty and hunger during the war like us. They do the same jobs to earn their livelihood as we do. They are built just like us and sleep or wake up in a manner similar to ours. They too can be won over by love- Thus, human life is the same in every part of the world. We must remember that when we hate, betray and condemn others or forcibly take away land and property from them, we actually harm ourselves. Our weapons of war make the earth dirty and spoil its atmosphere. Wars thus cause misery and destruction. In this way, the poem gives us the message of mutual and peaceful co-existence and warns us not to fight or hate others.

‘No Men Are Foreign’ संसार के सभी लोगों और राष्ट्रों के बीच एकता और समरसता का संदेश देने वाली एक सुंदर कविता है । कवि कहता है कि इस संसार में कोई  भी व्यक्ति अजीब नहीं है और कोई भी राष्ट्र परदेस नहीं है । हम सभी इंसान है । हम सभी की आत्मा एक समान है । यह सच है कि हमारी चमड़ी तो अलग-अलग रंगों की हो सकती है परंतु हमारी आत्मा तो एक जैसी है । हो सकता है कि हम किसी दूसरे देश में रहते हो और कोई दूसरी भाषा बोलते हो लेकिन हम सभी प्रकृति का पूर्ण रूप से आनंद लेते है ।

   हमें यह याद रखना चाहिए कि हमारी आँखें जो जागने सोने और प्यार करने का कार्य करती है । सारे संसार में एक समान है ।यह एक तथ्य है कि चाहे हम कहीं पर भी रहें हम ताकत को प्यार से पराजित कर सकते है । हमें अपने मन में यह बात रखनी चाहिए कि यदि हम दूसरों से घृणा करते है तो इसका अर्थ यह है कि हम स्वयं से ही घृणा करते है । अंत में कवि कहता है कि लोग अपने कार्यों से इस धस्ती को प्रदूषित रहे हैं ।  हमें अपने पर्यावरण को बचाना चाहिए और यह बात ध्यान में रखनी चाहिए कि यह सारा ब्रम्हांड भगवान की सृजना है और हम सभी एक हैं ।

Following is the complete question bank for – NO MEN ARE FOREIGN

Read the extracts and answer the questions that follow.


Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow in one or two lines.



 Remember, no men are strange, no countries foreign,

Beneath all uniforms, a single body breathes

Like ours; the land our brothers walk upon

 Is earth like this, in which we all shall lie.

 Emphasising the value of universal brotherhood, the poet draws our attention to the absence of any differences amongst the people of different countries. He asks us never to forget that people living in other countries are not strange or unfamiliar. Under their different types of clothes, all human beings are the same. All human bodies live and breathe in a similar fashion. We are all brothers because we walk upon the same earth that we have divided into countries. Also, we all shall meet this same earth in the end when we shall be buried in it after death.

1. What makes men strange and countries foreign?

Geographical boundaries segregate countries. We consider countries other than ours to be ‘foreign’ and the people living in these countries to be ‘strange’.

 2. Explain: ‘Beneath all uniforms, a single body breathes’.

The line means that though the outward appearance of people varies because of the difference in their attire, there is an inherent similarity between all human beings. All people live and breathe in a similar fashion. Militaries in the world may don different uniforms but they comprise of human beings who essentially are the same anywhere in the world.

3. Who is referred to as ‘our brothers’ in this stanza?

The people who live in countries other than ours have been referred to as our brothers because basically, we all have similar emotions, hopes, joys and sorrows.

 4. Explain: “In which we all shall lie.”

 The poet says that at the end of our respective lives, we all shall lie buried in the same earth. He means to draw our attention to the common fate that awaits us regardless of our nationality.

 5. What lesson can we learn from these lines?

These lines teach us the lesson of peace, universal brotherhood and harmony. We learn that since all people in the world are like our brothers and sisters, there are no enemies or strangers to be afraid of.


 They, too, aware of sun and air and water,

 Are fed by peaceful harvests, by war’s long winter starv’d.

Their hands are ours, and in their lines, we read

 A labour not different from our own.

 All the people of the world are nourished and nurtured equally by the elements of Nature like sun, air and water. Everyone is united by the sameness of spirit. Like us, the people in other countries too enjoy the harvests in peaceful times and dread starvation caused by long-drawn wars. They too toil to earn the livelihood and their destiny is similar to ours.

1. Who does ‘they’ refer to in the first line?

 ‘They’ refers to the people of countries other than ours, whom we consider being strange.

 2. What are they aware of?

‘They’ to are aware of the benefits of sun, air and water. Like us, they also draw sustenance from these elements of nature.

3. Explain the expression: ‘Their hands are ours’.

‘Their hands are ours’ means that they too work hard like us with their hands to earn their livelihood. It also means that human beings have basically the same physiognomy.

4. Which poetic device has been used in “war’s long winter starv’d”? Why has war’s winter been called long?

The poetic device used in “war’s long winter starv’d” is a ‘metaphor’. Here the starvation caused by the harsh winter season has been compared indirectly to the destructive period of wartime. The winter of war has been called ‘long’ because unlike the natural phenomenon of the winter season, it is a self-inflicted trouble that not only robs the warmth of peace but also seems unending.

 5. Explain: ‘A labour not different from our own’.

This expression means that the hard work done by the people who live in other countries is not different in any way from the one that we do. All of us have to toil and work hard in a similar way for survival.



Remember they have eyes like ours that wake

Or sleep, and strength that can be won By love.

In every land is the common life

 That all can recognise and understand.

 The poet asks us to remember that the so-called ‘strange’ and ‘foreign’ people experience sleep and wakefulness like us. Like us, they too can be won over by love and not by force.T heir experiences of life are similar to that of ours. Hence, we all find something familiar in each other’s life and identify with each other.

 1. Who do the words ‘they’ and ‘ours’ refer to?

‘They’ refers to people of different countries whom we consider to be strange. ‘Ours’ refers to the people living in our own country whom we consider to be like us.

 2. Explain: ‘they have eyes like ours that wake or sleep’.

 The poet is trying to bring home the idea that those people whom we consider strange or foreign are similar to us in every way. They sleep and wake up each new day just like us. Even though the colour and shape of their eyes is different from ours, they perform a similar function.

 3. According to the poet, how can we win other people?

The poet says that the strength of other people can be won by love and kindness, not by force or war.

 4. What do you understand by ‘common life’?

 ‘Common life’ means life anywhere in the world that has similar patterns and features – birth and death, joys and sorrows, youth and old age, and so on and so forth. This commonness of ‘common life’ is experienced by all the people of the world regardless of the country in which they live.


Let us remember, whenever we are told

To hate our brothers, it is ourselves

That we shall dispossess, betray, condemn.

Remember, we who take arms against each other.

 The poet says whenever we are asked by our leaders or rulers to hate and exploit the people of other countries, we must remember that this hatred would have a negative effect on us. We would find ourselves cheated as it would deprive us of the S bliss of universal brotherhood. We would condemn ourselves to a life of enmity and strangeness.

 1. Who do you think tells us to hate our brothers?

The opportunist and power-hungry leaders and politicians, who are at the helm of affairs during wartime, tell us to hate our brothers.

2. Why do we sometimes hate our brothers?

 We sometimes hate our brothers because we allow vested and unscrupulous politicians and religious leaders to instigate us. We are taken in by their lies about our differences and begin to consider our brothers as strange and foreign.

 3. How shall we dispossess ourselves?

 We shall dispossess ourselves by hating our brothers in other parts of the world when we are told by the politically motivated people to do so. These brothers are not foreign or strange just because they belong to different countries, races and cultures.

 4. What advice does the poet give us in these lines?

The poet advises us to ignore the directions of those who incite us to hate and exploit others because by doing so we harm ourselves.


 It is the hurt an earth that we defile,

 Our hells of fire and dust outrage the innocence

 Of air that is everywhere our own.

Remember, no men are foreign, and no countries strange.

 The poet again reminds us that war is futile as it spoils the very earth for which we take up arms against each other. The deadly weapons emit fire and ashes that spread all over and pollute the environment. This robs the air of its purity and the world become a more difficult place to live in. It is, therefore, important not to consider any human being as foreign and any country as strange. We must build mutual respect and trust.

1. What is ‘human earth’?

‘Human earth’ is the human world that is comprised of all countries, races, cultures and creeds.

 2. How do we define the human earth?

We defile or pollute the human earth by using arms and ammunition to cause widespread death and destruction. Modern day weapons and modem industries cause irreparable damage to the environment.

 3. Whom do we harm by going to war?

 By going to war, we harm ourselves as much as we harm the enemy. The environmental pollution makes this earth an equally unhealthy place to live in for both sides that go to war.

 4. Explain: ‘hells of fire and dust’ and ‘the innocence of air’.

 ‘Hells of fire and dust’ stands for the devastation created and caused by the arms and ammunition used in wars. ‘Innocence of air’ means the freshness and purity of air that nature has blessed us with. It also indicates the innocence of the human mind. The dust and smoke thus caused pollute the very air we breathe.

 5. What does the poet want to convey by telling us that “It is the human earth that we defile”?

The poet wants to convey that wars cause a massive destruction of life and property. They ruin the clean and green environment of the earth and breed hatred and enmity. Hence, no one benefits from war because the damage caused to earth is to be borne equally, for we all share the same earth.



Remember, no men are strange, no countries foreign

 Beneath all uniforms, a single body breathes

 Like ours: the land our brothers walk upon

 Is earth like this, in which we all shall lie.

हिंदी अनुवाद – कवि कहता है कि हमारे लिए कोई भी व्यक्ति अजनबी नहीं है और कोई भी देश विदेश नहीं है I हम सभी मानव होने के नाते एक समान है और प्रत्येक के नीचे एक ही प्रकार का शरीर होता है l हमारी भाँति हमारे भाई भी इस धरती पर चलते है और इसी धरती में ही हम सभी को समा जाना है I

Questions :

(a)  What should we remember?

(b)  What uniforms is the poet talking about?

(c)  Where do our brothers walk?

(d)  Where shall we all lie at the end of our life?

(e)  Name the poem and the poet.

 Answers :

(a)  We should remember that no men are strange and no country is foreign.

(b)  The different uniforms by different kind of people.

(c)  They walk on this earth.

(d)  We all shall lie in the earth at the end of our life.

(e)  The name of the poem is ‘No Men Are Foreign’ and the name of the poet is ‘James Kirkup’.



   They, too, aware of sun and air and water,

 Are fed by peaceful harvests, by war’s lone winter starv’d.

 Their hands are ours, and in their lines, we read

A labour not different from our own.

हिंदी अनुवाद– सभी को धूप, हवा और जल का ज्ञान है और उनका समृद्ध फसलों के द्वारा पोषण होता है और अब शीत काल के भुखमरी वाले दिन बीत गए हैं l हम सभी एक समान हैं l


 Questions :


(a)  Who do they refer to in this stanza?


(b)  What are they fed by ?


(c)  What are they starved by?


(d)  How is a labourer different from us?


(e)  Name the poet.


 Answers :


(a)  They refer to the other people of the world.


(b)  They are fed by peaceful harvests.


(c)  They are starved by long winter


(d)  A labour is little different from any one of us.


(e)  The name of the poet is ‘James Kirkup’.




 Remember they have eyes like ours that wake


Or sleep, and strength that can be won


By love. In every land is common life ‘


That all can recognise and understand.


हिंदी अनुवाद – याद रखो कि अन्य देशों में रहने वाले लोगों की ऑंखें भी हमार्री ही आँखों की तरह जागती और सोती हैं I और हम उन लोगों के बल को भी प्यार की ताकत से जीत सकते हैं I प्रत्येक देश में जीवन एक समान है और हम इसको अच्छी तरह से पहचान और समझ सकते हैं I




   (a) What do the eyes do ?


 (b)  How can strength be won ?


 (c)  What is common in every land ?


 (d)  What can all recognise and understand ?


 (e)  Name of the poem .


 Answers :


(a)  The eyes wake and sleep.


(b)  Strength can he win with love.


(c)   Life is common in every land.


(d)  All can recognise and understand that life is common in every land.


(e)   The name of the poem is ‘No Men Are Foreign’.


Go to the NCERT Solution “Packing”




Let us remember, whenever we are told


To hate our brothers, it is ourselves


 That we shall dispossess, betray, condemn.


 Remember, we who lake arms against each other


हिंदी अनुवाद – आओ , हम हमेशा याद रखें कि जब कभी भी हमें अपने भाइयों से घृणा करते हैं और हम अपने आपको ही अधिकार मुक्त करते हैं और अपने आपको ही धोखा देते हैं और अपना ही अपमान करते हैं I  याद रखो हम एक-दूसरे के खिलाफ हथियार उठाते हैं I वे हम अपने खिलाफ उठाते हैं I


Questions :


 (a)  Who are we told to hate?


 (b)  Whom do we hate when we hate other?


(C)   What are we doing to our fellow beings?


 (d)  Write the Name of the poem.


(e)  Write the Name of the poet.


 Answers :


(a)  Who are told to hate our brothers?


(b)  When we hate others we hate ourselves.


(c)   We are disposing of; betraying and criticising our fellow beings.


(d)  The name of the Poem is ‘No Men Are Foreign’.’


(e)  The name of the Poet is ‘James Kirkup’.




It is the human earth that we defile.


Our hells of fire and dust outrage the innocence


Of air that is everywhere our own,


Remember, no men are foreign, and no countries strange.


हिंदी अनुवाद – हम अपने कार्यों से धरती माता को प्रदूषित करते जा रहे हैं I हम ज्वाला और धूल से इस वायु की पवित्रता को , जो हमारे जीवन का आधार है , नष्ट करते जा रहे हैं I  याद रखो , कोई भी व्यक्ति विदेशी नहीं है और कोई भी देश अजीब नहीं हैं I


Questions :


 (a)  What are we doing to the earth?


(b)  What is outraging this earth?


(c)  What can we call our own?


 (d)  Is there any strange country?


(e)  What should we remember?


Answers :


(a)  We are polluting this earth.


(b)  Hells of fire and dust are outraging this earth.


 (c)  We can call the air our own.


(d)  No,.there is not any strange country.


 (e)  We should remember that no men are foreign and no country is strange.


Additional Very Short Answer Type Questions


1. What should we remember about men?


Ans. We should remember that no men are strange.


2. What should we remember about countries?


Ans. We should remember that no countries are foreign.


3. Where do we all walk upon?


Ans. We all walk upon the same earth.


4. Where shall we all lie in the end


Ans. In the end, we all shall lie in the earth.


5. What are all men fed by?


Ans. All men are fed by peaceful harvests.


6. What do you mean by peaceful harvest?


 Ans. By peaceful harvests, we mean the crops grown during the period of peace.


7. What do you mean ‘wars’ long winter?


Ans. It means the painful days of the war when we are kept indoors.


8. What are we doing to the human earth?


Ans. We are polluting the human earth.


9. Why should we not hate others?


Ans. We should not hate others because they all are our brothers.


10. What do you mean by ‘hells of fire and dust’?


 Ans. ‘Hells of fire and dust’ means the wars that cause a lot of destruction.




(to be answered in about 30 – 40 words each)


Q1.”Beneath all uniforms…” What uniforms do you think the poet is speaking about?  (Textual)


Ans:-The poet is speaking about the dresses or uniforms that armies of different countries wear. Though these ‘uniforms’ are absolutely different in appearance the bodies under them are the same. The poet tries to convey that the differences among the people of different countries are superficial. Essentially, all human beings are the same.


Q2.Whom does the poet refer to as ‘our brothers’ and why?


Ans:-The poet refers to the people living in other countries as ‘our brothers’. He says so because the superficial dissimilarities of complexion, language, dress, culture and nationality do not, and must not, segregate us as human beings. Human wants, human needs, human hopes, human emotions are the same anywhere in the world.


Q3.How does the poet suggest (in the first stanza) that all people on earth are the same?    (Textual)                            


Ans:-In the first stanza, the poet suggests that no human being is strange or different. Beneath the superficial surface of our bodies, we all have similar hearts, minds and souls. We all breathe and live in a similar manner. The earth is our common asset and one day we all shall die and be buried in the same way.


 Q4.What does the poet mean when he says, ‘in which we all shall lie’?


Ans:-The poet means that we all shall lie under the same earth. Here ‘lie’ means to be buried after death. This is to highlight that all of us have to meet the same fate, sooner or later, hence there is no point in hating each other.


Q5. In stanza 1, find five ways in which we are alike. Pick out the words phrases suggesting these similarities.                                                                         (Textual)


Ans:-Following are the five phrases that suggest that we are all alike.


(1) No men are strange


 (2) No countries foreign


 (3) a single body breathes like ours


(4) the land our brothers walk upon is earth like this


(5) in which we all shall lie


Q6. Why does the poet call harvests ‘peaceful’ and war as ‘winter’?


Ans:-Harvests are called ‘peaceful’ because they bring abundance and prosperity and they thrive in peaceful times only. War, on to the other hand, is like the severe and harsh ‘winter’ that ruins the crops and starves people. It is only the peaceful times that bring harmony and contentment. War destroys everything and forces people to face hunger, poverty, disease and death.


Q7. How many common features can you find in stanza 2? Pick out the words. (Textual)


 Ans:-The common features listed in stanza 2 are:


Like us, the people in other countries too enjoy

 (i) sun (ii) air (iii) water (iv) peaceful harvests


Like us, they too hate starvation caused by long drawn wars

Like us, they too work hard for their livelihood by using their hands.

 Q8. ‘They have eyes like ours’. What similarity does the poet find in the eyes of people all over the world?


Ans:-The poet finds that eyes of men all over the world have similar sights and scenes to see, and experience the phenomena of waking up and sleeping in a similar way. Hence, the so-called strange and foreign people to have eyes just like us. Even though the colour and shape of their eyes are different from ours, they bring us identical experiences and perform a similar function.


 Q9.”…whenever we are told to hate our brothers….” When do you think this happens and why? (Textual)


Ans:-Whenever their own importance or existence is in danger, politicians and religious leaders make us believe that our existence and our interests are in danger and, provoke us to hate our fellow human-beings. This happens when we allow our reason to be swayed by our fears and hatred.


Q10. In one of the stanzas, the poet finds similarity in human hands. What is it?


Ans:-The poet feels that people of all countries have to work hard in a similar fashion to earn their livelihood. This is done by them with the help of their hands. It is the hands that do all the work in the world and it is the hands that are a source of all creativity.


Q11.Who tells us ‘to hate our brothers’? Should we do as we are told at such times? What does the poet say?                                                                                                                                                                   (Textual)


Ans:-The politically motivated and power-hungry people tell us to hate our brothers during wartime. The poet says that we should not get swayed by such provocation. If we do so, it would result in our own dispossession, betrayal and condemnation.


Q12.How does man pollute this earth by going to war?


Ans:-Man pollutes the earth by causing death and destruction and by spreading hatred and enmity through wars. The war also causes an irreparable damage to the earth’s environment by polluting it with dust, debris and smoke caused by war weapons.


Q13. What does the poet say about ‘hating our brothers’?


Ans:-The poet strongly condemns ‘hating our brothers’. He feels that when we indulge in such negativity, we actually harm ourselves. We deprive ourselves of the love of our brothers and earn condemnation for such depravity.


Q14. Why does the poet say that people of the world should live in peace and not go to war?


Ans:-The poet advocates living in peace because peace brings progress, prosperity and cheer in this world. He advises mankind to shun wars because wars bring death, exploitation, want, poverty and starvation. They also defile the earth and pollute the very air we all breathe.


Q15.How does the poet propose to win over other countries?


Ans:-The poet proposes to win over other countries through the divine force of love. It is a universal fact that this world responds positively to love and kindness. So the poet plans to use it to end all hatred and war and create a peaceful heaven on earth.


Q16.Who, according to you, is the speaker in this poem?


Ans:-The speaker in this poem is the poet himself who stands for the goodness of the human heart that propagates love, peace and universal brotherhood. He is a champion of love, peace and joy.


 Q17.In four stanzas out of five, the poet uses the word “Remember”. Why do you think he has repeated this word so many times?


Ans:-By repeating the word ‘remember’, the poet wishes us never to forget that our ideas, emotions and experiences are similar to that of the people we conventionally think of as ‘strange’ or ‘foreign’. He wants to emphasise that all human beings are identical in nature and phases of human life are the same anywhere in the world.


Q18.  Mention any two ways in which people living in other countries are similar to us.


Ans:-All people of the world have eyes similar to ours. They too experience the phenomena of sleeping and waking up like us. The emotion of love too is experienced and responded to in a similar manner by all the people. Everyone’s physical strength can be countered with the power of love.


Q19. What is the central idea of the poem?


Ans:-The central idea of the poem is that all human beings are similar and equal. Hence, we should love one another and live in peace and harmony. Universal brotherhood and harmonious co-existence will not only unite us but will also save our mother earth from getting polluted and damaged.


Q20. Why do countries engage in wars and to what effect?


Ans:-Vested interests of the power-hungry people instigate the common man to hate fellow-beings living in different parts of the world. This narrow approach leads to wars and results in bloodshed and irreparable loss of innocent lives.


 Q21.How does the title sum up the theme of the poem “No Men are Foreign”?


 Ans:-Right through the poem, the poet talks about the concept of universal brotherhood and peaceful co-existence, without any place for any kind of prejudice. He emphasises the fact that all human beings are inherently the same and divisions based on nation, caste, colour, creed or religion are baseless. James Kirkup, the poet, has beautifully conveyed these ideas through the title of the poem “No Men Are Foreign”.


Q22. “No Men are Foreign” is an anti-war poem. Comment.


Ans:-“No Men Are Foreign” is a peace poem which propagates the idea of human brotherhood and peaceful co-existence by annihilating all war and hatred. War harms both the suppressed and the suppressor. It brings about death, destruction, deprivation’ starvation and pollution. Hence, wars should be shunned forever.




(to be answered in about 100 – 150 words each)


Q1. How does the poem justify that people in all countries of the world are essentially the same?


Ans:-The poet justifies the statement that people living in different countries are essentially the same by asserting that ‘no men are strange’. Every single body breathes and functions in the same way as ours. Each one of us equally needs the sun, air and water. Human hands too are used for the similar purpose of toiling for livelihood. Eyes too perform the similar function of sleeping and waking up. Love wins us all and we all recognise its power. In peace times, we all flourish and wars starve us. Hatred leads us astray and when we take up arms against each other, the entire earth is defiled and destroyed. Therefore, we all like peace which showers abundance and prosperity on us. Therefore, essentially we all are the same.


Q2. ‘Wars have always brought total ruin in this world, yet they are fought repeatedly.’ Discuss.


Ans:- Wars are the result of over-ambition and greed of irresponsible rulers of the world. They bring ruin both to the victor and the vanquished by shattering the economy of the warring countries. In the past, wars were localised but now they are global and hence more dangerous and destructive. The memories of the First and the Second World Wars are still fresh in our minds. The horrific after-effects of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 can still be seen. Still, it is appalling to note that people of the world do not learn from history. The danger of yet another war lurks all the time. The divisive forces are even stronger in the present times and the mad race for armaments too is scary. Hope lies in the strength of the common people who should refuse to be fooled by vested and unscrupulous leaders. Instead, people of the world should look at the world as a global village that offers innumerable opportunities and reasons for peaceful coexistence.


Q3. How does the poet James Kirkup prove that no men are foreign? How far is he able to convince his reader about it?


Ans:-The poet, James Kirkup, cites various examples to prove that no men are foreign. The very title of the poem is thought-provoking and compels the reader to think about the issue of people living in other countries as foreigners and strangers. As the poem progresses, the poet repeatedly emphasises that all human beings are identical in their nature and approach. All live on the same earth; enjoy air, sun and water; love peace and are averse to war. They all have common experiences and toil in a similar manner to earn the livelihood. The logical reasoning put forth by the poet and the frequent reminders fully convince the reader that no men are foreign. He gets the message that alienation from fellow brethren is equally damaging to himself. He also understands that by treating other men as foreign, the world stands exposed to the risk of war which can lead to irreversible destruction and pollution of mother earth. Q4. In what way do we dispossess, betray and condemn ourselves by hating our brothers and taking up arms against them? By hating our brothers and taking up arms against them, we ‘dispossess’ ourselves as we deprive ourselves of their love. When we hate them, they too retaliate negatively and cease to love us. Mutually, we deprive each other of the noble emotion of love. We betray ourselves as our hatred leads to wars, and wars cause widespread death and destruction. This leads to the piling up of trash that pollutes our own mother earth. The dust and smoke from war choke the air that we breathe. So, hatred of fellow beings, in fact, leads to betrayal of our own selves. Further, this earns us condemnation as we violate the purity of the elements of nature. We threaten our own existence by ruining the systems that sustain us. Hence, hating our brothers and taking up arms against them does more damage to us.

Q4.How, according, to the poet, the human earth is ‘defiled’ and the innocence of air ‘outraged’?

Ans:- The weapons of war make the earth dirty and spoil its atmosphere. The deadly ammunition destroys the fertility of the earth and makes it barren. Explosives cause destructive fires sending ashes all over. This pollutes the land as well as the air and the water. It leads to the spread of hunger and innumerable diseases. Both earth and air lose their purity. Thus, the victor, as well as the vanquished, find the Earth and its environment hostile and unfriendly. The kind mother Nature becomes absolutely helpless and is unable to shower her gifts on human beings. It is tarnished and robbed of its bounties. The innocence of air is signified by its purity. But wars strip the air of this innocence and fill it with smoke and dirt. The air then becomes unsuitable for human survival. Thus ‘human earth’ is ‘defiled’ and ‘innocence of air’ is ‘outraged’ by wars.

स्टडी टिप्स for Exam Preparation

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